Powerful Tool for Researching Cross-Border Trade Data

The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC), created by MIT graduate Alexander Simoes, helps display and organize import and export data in a visual narrative so that users can quickly pick up on insights and retrieve key facts.

If you want reassurance about the best international market in which to launch your product, to assess the capabilities of your ocean cargo carrier, or just want to be mesmerized by the data visualizations that draw themselves in front of your eyes, you should check out this tool.

With a few clicks you can view the information by country, product, or visualization style. You can look up specific product class information (Rubber Tires, Office Machine Parts, etc) using the search field at the top right, or by browsing the 'countries', 'products', and 'visualizations' links at the top of the page.

Additionally, the OEC provides a ranking of each country according to its level of economic complexity. See the Global Economic Complexity Ranking for the complete explanation of this interesting metric used in assessing a country's manufacturing capabilities.

As a cross-border transportation specialist (LTL, TL, Ocean, and Air) we find the export and import data from both Canada and the United States of particular interest.

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